Proof of Treasure Coin (POTT) can be traded for NFTs! Follow the links below to the collection you'd like to trade for your POTT.
You can keep track of circulating volumes, and learn more about our tokenomics on our coin stats page.
POTT Parrots is our first official collection of NFTs! There are 1000 NFTs in the collection and can be traded for Proof Of Treasure Coin (POTT), starting at 16 coins each for the common parrots, 40 POTT for moderate parrots, 100 POTT for rare parrots, and 250 POTT for very rare parrots. Please check offers on 3rd party sites match these criteria before trading.
Although every parrot is unique, there are four classes of rarity, based upon the rarity of individual attributes of the parrots. Out of the 1000 in the collection, there are 500 common parrots, 300 moderately rare parrots, 150 rare parrots, and 50 very rare parrots.
Trade POTT for parrots
We've teamed up with wandering sailors to bring you a number of MERGULLS which can be bought for POTT! Wandering Sailors is an initiative advocating for cleaner oceans and green tech in the marine industry - very much in line with our values at proof of treasure!
The Mergulls collection includes hand drawn NFTs including 3 mythical characters and 265 original traits.
Trade POTT for mergulls