Proof Of Treasure Coin (POTT) is a CAT (Chia Asset Token), built on the Chia ecosystem. We believe POTT is the first CAT (Chia Asset Token) that has a verifiably limited issuance schedule, you can see the details of how we achieved this technically here, but in short, we have tied the issuance of our CAT to a singleton that can only be spent every 30 days while at the same time restricting how much of the CAT can be minted in one spend / at certain times. This means that we are limited in the amount of our coins we can create - and have deliberately done this to assure our users that this isn't a pump and dump scheme where we can just make a billion coins on a whim. While this project has no real purpose and its mostly a bit of fun, we still want users to take the coin itself seriously and be assured that the coin issuance is sensible.
There is a modest premine of 40,000 POTT. This premine will be used to further the cause, fund the project, grow (and pay) our team and market the game.
The amount of POTT that can ever be created per month will steadily decrease over time. The issuance of our coins halve when a certain amount of coins have been issued. There are four halving events coded into the issuance of our coin. We can't anticipate the demand of the coin or any other future games we make on this site so we've left ourselves some leeway in that regard for coin issuance. As such we reserve the right to skip issuance unless there is adequate demand for it. We cannot increase the amount that can be issued per mint - this is fixed, but we can elect not to issue in theory.
The maximum amount of POTT that can ever be created is 285,760. The minimum amount of time it would take to reach this is around 25 years. For an interactive graphs which shows the maximum coin issuance see our coin stats page. If you'd like to learn more about how our coin works, head over to our gitlab here: .
The issuance per classic game depends on the amount of time the game has been active for. This starts at 8 POTT for the fist hour, and increases to a maximum of 40 POTT.
As the number of coins we can mint reduces, we will reduce the amount of coins available to be won in each game. We reserve the right to change the game issuance based upon what we feel is best for the site.
The issuance per golden game depends on the amount of time the game has been active for. This starts at 128 POTT for the fist 48 hours, and increases to a maximum of 256 POTT.
Similarly to the classic game, the coins available to be won in each game will reduce as the amount we can mint decreases.